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ABSOLAR meets Finance Minister Fernando Haddad and strengthens the role of solar PV in Brazil´s energy transition

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The development of green hydrogen and Brazil's potential to be a global leader in sustainable development and combating climate change have also been discussed

Brasília, February 2023 – In a meeting with the Finance Minister, Mr. Fernando Haddad, representatives of the Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy (ABSOLAR) discussed solar PV's strategic contributions to energy transition and combating climate change.

Among the highlights of the meeting is the development of a competitive market for green hydrogen (GH2) in Brazil. That could position the country as a global player in the geopolitics of energy transition.

ABSOLAR also recommended the inclusion of solar PV as a lever for the country's social, economic, and environmental development. Solar PV technology can be used in social housing, as well as in public schools, hospitals, health clinics, police stations, libraries, museums, and parks.

As for large-scale plants, the association advocated for greater participation of solar PV in federal auctions. ABSOLAR reinforced solar PV's position as the most competitive power source in the country and how it can reduce people's electricity bills.   

"For Brazil to become the green power it aspires to be, it is necessary to rethink public policies in the energy sector. The country should reduce subsidies, incentives, and exemptions for fossil sources and increase support for clean and renewable sources, as well as new technologies such as energy storage and GH2. The world is heading in this direction, and that is what the Brazilian society and the international community expect from our leaders", says Mr. Rodrigo Sauaia, CEO of ABSOLAR.

"Greater support for renewable sources can also boost the so-called 'green reindustrialization' attracting new investments, factories, business opportunities, and new technologies", Mr. Sauaia adds.

In addition to Mr. Sauaia, attended the meeting Mrs. Bárbara Rubim, vice-president of distributed generation, Mrs. Camila Ramos, vice-president of Investments and Green Hydrogen, Mr. Ricardo Barros, vice-president of centralized generation, Mr. Rodrigo Pedroso, member of the fiscal council.

"The solar source helps to diversify the country's electricity supply, reduces the pressure on water resources, and eases the risk of further hikes in people's electricity bills. ABSOLAR suggested that the government could expand the use of solar PV to accelerate the attraction of investments, create new jobs and income, and strengthens Brazil's international leadership in green energy", Mr. Sauaia concludes.


Founded in 2013, the Brazilian Photovoltaic Solar Energy Association (ABSOLAR) brings together companies and professionals from the entire production chain of the photovoltaic solar sector operating in Brazil including both, distributed and centralized generation. ABSOLAR coordinates represents and defends the development of the photovoltaic solar energy sector and market in Brazil. The association promotes and disseminates the use of this clean, renewable and sustainable energy in the country and represents the Brazilian photovoltaic sector internationally.

For more information, please, contact:

Thiago Nassa (MTb. 30,914)

TOTUM Communication

+55 11 99544 4954

Miriam Lovita – Communication and Marketing

Brazilian Association of Photovoltaic Solar Energy – ABSOLAR

+55 11 3197 4560

[email protected]