Member/Partner News


Forum 2020

Today’s instruments and targets need to be revised if we are to achieve the decarbonisation levels required by the EU

ITALIA SOLARE reports findings of its survey on the 110% Superbonus incentive mechanism

Monza, 4 December 2020 – The 5th edition of the Forum ITALIA SOLARE 2020 "Current tools and future challenges for a decarbonised energy system" took place this week and attracted the interest of 900 active participants during the day.

There are two priorities on the table today for the photovoltaic sector, explained Paolo Rocco Viscontini, President of ITALIA SOLARE: “solving the situation that has been created at a regional level today and that is blocking the installation of plants", while at a more general level the association calls for " rethinking the organisation of the Italian energy system, paying particular attention to the role of network operators as regards the terms of their original mandate in order to avoid situations of competition that prevent fair participation in the market."

An important contribution came in the speech by Vice-Minister for the Economy and Finance Antonio Misiani, who shared the positions presented by the newly formed organization Worldwide Carbon Price on the need for a mechanism to calculate the costs of emissions linked to the life cycle of products, from a European perspective at least. "A fiscal reform that incorporates carbon emissions is of fundamental importance for achieving decarbonisation objectives. It must be built at a European level and make social compensation and tax relief visible and immediately available, starting with a reduction in the tax wedge to the benefit of both companies and employees,” commented Vice-Minister Misiani.

In the afternoon's institutional session, Senator Gianni Girotto, Chairman of the 10th Permanent Commission, argued that “simplifying authorisations for photovoltaic plants up to 10 MWp on industrial land is a necessary first step to achieving the objectives of our Integrated National Plan for Energy and the Climate (PNIEC). I will continue my efforts to implement the measure as soon as possible.”

Salvatore Tomaselli, Head of the Energy Policies Department of the Democratic Party, recalled that “in order to achieve the decarbonisation objectives that Europe has set for us, the PNIEC must be revised on the basis of the new EU targets and the implementation tools that must be more functional and capable of supporting the efforts of businesses and households.”

Senator Paolo Arrigoni, member of the 13th Permanent Commission, pointed out that "with regard to the Superbonus incentive system, which is not taking off, a deduction rate of less than 110% would have been better, with a minimum level participation to make interested parties take more responsibility, as well as a much simpler bureaucratic process. Now an extension is needed for the system to work".

ITALIA SOLARE survey on Superbonus scheme and 50% tax deductions

The Vice-President of ITALIA SOLARE, Andrea Brumgnach, presented the results of the survey carried out among the association's industrial members, which was answered by 324 respondents. When asked whether they were already working with the Superbonus, 74% of respondents said they were, and of these 80% received orders directly from end customers and 20% from general contractors. Among the end customers who started work with the Superbonus, 78% decided to do so independently, while in 22% of cases it was the operators who promoted it. A full 86% of end customers opt for a discount on invoices, while 14% pay directly for the work. When asked what are the main difficulties encountered with the Superbonus, in first place there is the bureaucratic process, followed by the illegal construction of buildings and the advance payment of capital to carry out the work. The overwhelming majority of the operators who responded to the survey think they can install 1 to 3 plants per month with the Superbonus.

ITALIA SOLARE is putting forward five proposals for the Superbonus:

  1. Rapid extension of the Superbonus to 2024 to allow companies in the sector to plan their business growth in terms of new resources
  2. Extension of the Superbonus to all public and private schools
  3. Extension of the credit transfer/discount on invoices mechanisms for plants benefiting from 50% and 65% deduction rates to make them run on the same timeframe as the Superbonus
  4. A single portal and a single interlocutor with whom operators can interface and from whom they can have answers/updates concerning the Superbonus (including in terms of digital archiving of documents: Enea FAQ, Ade FAQ, Circulars, Measures, Information requests, DMs, ...)
  5. Define a mechanism that avoids operators from being penalised due to the delays of competent offices.

Looking to the future

According to a simulation of the 2050 decarbonised energy scenario presented by Maurizio Delfanti, CEO of RSE, the photovoltaic sector will have to achieve installed capacity of more than 200 GW.

"These are numbers that require a very clear and rapid choice to increase installed capacity on the one hand, and on the other to resolve all the obstacles that hinder renewables and storage from truly participating in the energy market," concluded Rocco Viscontini.


ITALIA SOLARE è un'associazione di promozione sociale che sostiene la difesa dell'ambiente e della salute umana supportando modalità intelligenti e sostenibili di produzione, stoccaggio, gestione e distribuzione dell'energia attraverso la generazione distribuita da fonti rinnovabili, in particolare fotovoltaico. Promuove inoltre la loro integrazione con le smart grid, la mobilità elettrica e con le tecnologie per l'efficienza energetica per l'incremento delle prestazioni energetiche degli edifici.

ITALIA SOLARE è l’unica associazione in Italia dedicata esclusivamente al fotovoltaico e alle integrazioni tecnologiche per la gestione intelligente dell’energia.

Ufficio Stampa

ITALIA SOLARE | Cecilia Bergamasco – [email protected] - cell. 347 9306784