Member/Partner News

IBC SOLAR Energy is going to implement solar drinking water supply in Hanoi

Song Duong Wasseraufbereitungsanlage

IBC SOLAR AG subsidiary designs 2.7 MWp PV system for water treatment plant

IBC SOLAR Energy, the international project division of IBC SOLAR AG, a world’s leading system house for photovoltaics (PV) and energy storage, has signed the contracts for the realization of a major solar project in Hanoi (Vietnam) and thus gains a foothold in the Vietnamese market. Project client for the Song Duong water treatment plant project is Aone Deutschland AG.

The signing of the contract between IBC SOLAR Energy and Aone Deutschland marks the kick-off for the construction of a photovoltaic system on the roofs of the Song Duong water treatment plant in Hanoi. The environmentally friendly solar power will help to ensure the supply of clean drinking water to 1.5 million inhabitants of Hanoi.

The first construction phase will be the design and delivery of the 2.7 MWp system by IBC SOLAR Energy, followed by a web-based remote monitoring system. The system’s east-west orientation guarantees a maximum solar yield. IBC SOLAR will also utilise the aerodynamic mounting system IBC AeroFix and the proven IBC TopFix. Both self-developed mounting systems allow a quick and uncomplicated installation and high stability.

"The use of clean energy to produce drinking water is a forward-looking combination for sustainable plant concepts. IBC SOLAR sees an increasing demand for industry-based PV systems. Being technologically ’state of the art‘ is not enough for commercial and industrial facilities around the world. They also need to become sustainable in order to represent attractive long-term assets. In this respect, the Song Duong water treatment plant is a lighthouse project attracting attention in and beyond Vietnam", said Harald Bultmann, Director Commercial Management of IBC SOLAR Energy.

Alexander Redeker, CEO Aone Deutschland AG adds: "The implementation of German engineering concepts and leading PV technology by IBC SOLAR is a central element of the value of our investment. In the future, we plan to expand our capacity to a total of up to 10 MWp and we rely on internationally experienced and proven partners such as IBC SOLAR to implement it.”