Member/Partner News

New ISES Executive Committee Elected

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The new ISES Executive Committee (ExCo) will start for the term 2022-2023 has been elected and will take office in January of 2022.. The ExCo works together with the Board of Directors and the ISES Headquarters Team to help shape the future of ISES and lead ISES’ role in the rapid transformation to a renewable energy world.  
Supporting the new Executive Committee will be the ISES Board of Directors which is being elected by the ISES members.

The officers for Executive Committee for the term 2022-2023 are: President: Prof. Klaus Vajen (Germany), Vice President: Ricardo Rüther (Brazil), Secretary: Andreas Häberle (Switzerland), Treasurer: Chiel Boonstra (Netherlands), Appointed Member: Rabindra Satpathy (India), Immediate Past President: Dr. Dave Renné (USA).

Meet the the ISES Executive Committee here!