Member/Partner News

EuroSun 2020 - Call for Abstracts and Keynote Speakers open

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It is with great pleasure, that the International Solar Energy announces EuroSun 2020 - the 13th Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry. EuroSun 2020 will offer a platform to discuss the latest developments with leading solar energy experts as well as policy makers and industry representatives.

Call for Abstracts:
We cordially invite you to submit your latest and best results as an abstract for EuroSun 2020.

Abstracts are welcome on the following conference topics:

• Solar Buildings
• Solar Assisted District Heating and Cooling
• Solar Heat for Industrial Processes
• Domestic Hot Water and Space Heating
• PV and PVT Systems for Buildings and Industry
• Solar Thermal Collectors and Solar Loop Components
• Thermal Storage
• Testing& Certification
• Solar Resource and Energy Meteorology
• Solar Education
• Renewable Energy Strategies, Policies, Scientists for Future
• Renewable Energy Solutions for Isolated Systems (i.e. Islands)
• Renewable Energy Systems and Spatial Energy Planning

Deadline for abstract submission is 31 March 2020! Special call for keynote speaker proposals:

For the first time, the organisers of the EuroSun 2020 are accepting nominations for keynote speakers. We are aiming to encourage the participation of the greater ISES community in the development of the EuroSun 2020 conference program. We are seeking nominations for the most respected, knowledgeable and insightful speakers with expertise in policy, business, technology and other relevant fields to provide insights into the major issues influencing the progress in solar and renewable energy development, applications, policy, financing, or other areas relevant to the EuroSun 2020. The International Organising Committee will also consider gender and geographical balance when selecting speakers and developing the conference programme.

If you are interested to submit a keynote speaker nomination, please read the nomination criteria available on the conference homepage carefully - deadline for all nominations is 31 March 2020.