Press Release

GSC defines clear guidance for the next two years: Jose Donoso will success Gianni Chianetta in 2021

In the framework of the elections of the new Board of Directors of the Global Solar Council, held late September in Salt Lake City (United States), José Donoso, UNEF General Manager, has been appointed Chairman of the international association. Donoso's term will begin in 2021, succeeding Gianni Chianetta (VP ItaliaSolare), Chairman in 2020.

“GSC is growing well under the actual leadership of Pranav Mehta and new important members, such as Japan, has joined. I am pleased that Mr. Donoso will success my term in 2020, as this will give continuity. The leadership of other two strong and mature markets as Italy and Spain for the next two years, after India, will ensure stability and grow of the association, as well as representativeness of solar PV in all global tables where decisions on the future of energy will take place”, said Gianni Chianetta.

“The presence of Spain in the Presidency of the Global Solar Council shows the leadership of the Spanish PV industry in the world, at a time when, thanks to its growing competitiveness and flexibility, this technology has become a fundamental ally in the fight against climate change” said Donoso.

Among the priorities of the new leadership: making the membership base grow; consolidating existing partnerships like the one with the IRENA and ISA institutions and also with complementary industrial sectors such as the one with the International Desalination Association; starting new partnerships and cooperation activities with institutions, such as UN, and the industrial sectors of other renewable or complementary ones such as storage and electric mobility. “Today only 2% of the energy consumed in the world comes from solar sources, but the price of PV has become competitive even for small plants, which already have a large share of the markets in many countries. Our challenge will therefore be to speak not only with the industrial world, with the scientific community and with governments but also with individuals. And this can only be achieved through alliances in communication campaigns even with environmental associations” added Chianetta.

Donoso also highlighted that PV is a democratic technology that allows to produce clean and cheap energy. The development of this sector in emerging markets also generates a positive impact in the framework of the fight against poverty.

By representing the PV sector at an international level, the Global Solar Council will play a central role in the path towards an energy model based on renewables in which PV will be a key player.

The Global Solar Council was founded in 2015, within the framework of COP21, by the main solar associations to unify the industry at international level, share best practices and boost the development of PV technology with cooperation, training and the exchange of experiences.

GSC members include national and regional associations of both emerging and consolidated markets, as well as the largest markets in the world, such as Australia, China, Europe, India, Japan, the Middle East, South America, and the United States.