Member/Partner News
Historical record of new PV capacity installed in Spain in 2019 with 3.9 GW added in 2019

The Spanish system operator, Red Eléctrica de España, has released this week the provisional data about the installed capacity at the end of 2019 that show that the PV sector has entered a new era of growth in Spain.
The year 2019 closed with a total installed capacity of 110 GW, thanks to the addition of 6456 MW of new renewable capacity. Of all the new renewable capacity added last year, the vast majority (5689 MW) is related to projects assigned during the auctions held in 2017.
It is important to highlight that, within this positive trend, PV has been the leading technology, with a record of 3975 MW of new capacity added to the system.
Specific data regarding the renewable energy auctions carried out in 2017 was also released: of the total capacity of 8100 MW that was assigned, 70% has been installed and the degree of compliance is different depending on the technology.
Of the 4000 MW of PV capacity assigned as a result of these auctions, approximately 3728 MW (93%) have been connected to the grid (93%).