Member/Partner News
ISES Solar Energy Museum - Past, Present and Future
ISES will be launching a virtual solar energy museum to mark the SWC50 – Virtual Conference in December 2020.
The museum will include the following:
· Timeline: the history of ISES
· Videos of interviews with early pioneers and early events.
· Overview of growth in the various market segments including key events, projects, successful policies and significant research breakthroughs.
· Profiles of Research and Industry Pioneers.
· Timeline of growth of renewable energy access
· Stories from institutes and companies.
The museum will be organized by decade and will include a vision area with a focus on moving towards 100% renewable energy.
For the museum, ISES is looking for images of early products, systems and significant events that might be shown in the museum. In particular, ISES is looking for images from the pre-1990’s.
If you believe you have relevant photos, videos or materials in formats that are suitable for posting in the online museum, please send these to [email protected].