Member/Partner News
Look for Solar Cookers International at this year’s UN Climate Conference (COP26)

Solar Cookers International (SCI) will represent the solar cooking sector at the United Nations Climate Conference (COP26) as the leading experts on solar cooking and its importance. The COP26 summit, taking place in Glasgow, will bring parties together to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Conference organizers are trying to make content available in a variety of formats, for those participating virtually or in person.
Event attendees will have the opportunity to learn how solar cooking reduces climate change using the free power of solar energy. By sharing the latest developments in solar cooking and the great strides that SCI has made in combatting climate change, we are one step closer to a world where every individual has access to food and a healthy living environment. By encouraging country leaders to include solar cooking in their national plans to address climate change, SCI seeks to influence change in policy, practice, and research that result in an increased adoption of solar cooking worldwide.
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