Member/Partner News

September 25 is Global Solar Council day at Solar Power International


The Global Solar Council (GSC) has taken the opportunity of Solar Power International in Salt Lake City to offer a series of discussions and events on Sept. 25 in the framework of North America Smart Energy Week.

During the morning (9.30am-12pm) GSC has teamed up with the Asian Photovoltaic Industry Association (APVIA), New Energy Industry Association for Asia and the Pacific (NEIAAP) and Shanghai New Energy Industry Association (SNEIA) to put together a side event Solar, Storage & Hydrogen – Market Trends and Investment Opportunities.

The event gathers industry associations and corporations worldwide to provide insights on the status and prospects for solar, storage and hydrogen, covering market trends, investment opportunities and technologies. The side event provides a one-stop opportunity for industry experts, entrepreneurs and colleagues to stay up to date on this fast-moving technology and market.

In the afternoon (1pm-3pm) the GSC held its Annual General Meeting at the Grand America Hotel, with presentations from its five committees and focusing on the association’s strategic activity plan. Later in the afternoon, in a closed-door meeting, GSC members elected a new board and officers for 2020-2021.