Member/Partner News
The Analysis of the Economic Impacts of Solar Cooking
With approximately 3 billion people cooking over open fires, there is tremendous potential for countries to save money by avoiding the environmental and health costs associated with biomass cooking. If people relying on solid fuels for cooking switched to cooking with solar cookers even ¼ of the time, countries can save millions, and even billions, of dollars.
Learn what the economic impacts of solar cooking are in many countries around the world through the Economic Impact Sheets compiled by Solar Cookers International. They can be found at
Along with the impact sheets, watch the Analysis of Economic Impacts of Solar Cooking webinar hosted by SCI’s Executive Director Caitlyn Hughes and Special Projects Coordinator Mindy Fox. In this webinar, you will learn:
- How many solar cookers have been identified thus far
- Estimated CO2 emissions prevented by those solar cookers
- Potential CO2 emissions prevented by switching to solar cooking
- Potential savings at the country level by avoiding health care and environmental costs from cooking over open fires
This information can be instrumental in your efforts to scale up solar cooking in your region by collaborating with potential funders and partners.
Access the webinar by joining the SCI Association at