Member/Partner News

The conference agenda for Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition (Smart Energy 2020) has been announced.

Australian Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition

The conference agenda for Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition (Smart Energy 2020), Australia’s premier showcase renewable energy, has just been announced. A line-up of more than 125 world-class speakers, including 2018 Global Energy Prize winner Prof Martin Green, will deliver two days of presentations across a three-stream program.

Speakers will share their insights, projections and findings on the evolving energy landscape, its future and the realities facing Australia’s energy system.

John Grimes, CEO of the Smart Energy Council who is the event organiser said that Smart Energy 2020 and the co-located inaugural Hydrogen 2020 Conference will set the stage for further growth and prosperity for the renewable energy industry.

“With so many sector leaders under one roof, this event will highlight the ways in which our energy sector is tackling the future, balancing the impact of climate, economics and the need for smarter renewable energy” said Mr Grimes.

For the first time, hydrogen will make up part of the Smart Energy 2020 program with the co-located Hydrogen 2020 conference.

Smart Energy 2020 will be held 7-8 April at the International Convention Centre Sydney.

To access the 2020 program and to register for the free-to-attend conference and exhibition, please visit the Smart Energy 2020 website: