Member/Partner News

The return of incentives for solar PV in Italy and investment opportunities in the Italian market

In one of its final deliberations before the current political crisis, the outgoing Italian government signed a ministerial decree – known as the FER1 decree – that sets new incentives for renewable energy sources.

A full six years after the introduction of its latest incentive system (the 5th Conto Energia), solar PV in Italy will once again receive incentives alongside other renewable sources including onshore wind, hydroelectric and biogases. The new arrangement will run through September 2021 and sets aside 5.8 billion euros of new incentives. The first auction at which requests for the incentives can be requested is set for 30 September 2019. The incentives will support new and repowered plants with a tariff between 105 €/MWh and 70 €/MWh for the next 20 years, with a premium of 10 €/MWh for self-consumption and 12 €/MWh for removal of asbestos roofs.

The government said it expected that the FER1 decree will help finance the construction of new plants with a total capacity of 8,000 MW, boosting renewable energy production by 12 billion kWh and stimulating estimated investments of €10 billion.

Incentives alone, however, won’t be enough to reach the ambitious target of 55 GWp of PV new power plants by 2030 set in Italy’s National Energy & Climate action Plan.

To get you up to speed on the full set of investment opportunities in the Italian solar PV market, ITALIA SOLARE, the Italian Solar Association is hosting an international seminar “Invest in the Italian Solar PV market”, which will take place in London on 6 September 2019.

The event will outline and analyse the new legislation in a discussion featuring key players in the Italian solar PV market.