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Easy-Dismantled PV Module for used module recycle
Date: 2021.Sep.16 PM16:00 GMT+8
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Due to the lifespan of solar modules, we can expect there to be a large number of older modules that need to be discarded in 2030.
Conventional PV module manufacturing uses thermoset ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) or polyolefin (PO) encapsulation materials which tightly bonds the materials together, making individual component recycling and recovery extremely difficult.
The newly redesigned PV module can be easily dismantled and is weather resistant. This innovation incorporates characteristics such as melting point parameter design of the thermoplastic elastomer (TPE) material. It is ingeniously composed of the innovative thermoset and thermoplastic bi-layered compound encapsulation material. The designed low-temperature thermal process gradually decomposes the bi-layer film, by the time the solar modules becomes obsolete, the module can be easily dismantled into various parts.
The PV module dismantling process allows for the complete preservation of solar cells and the encapsulation glass. The cells can be restored to the bare silicon wafer via a reverse dismantling process, and then produced into regenerated cells for use in the manufacturing chain of PV modules. What is worth mentioning is that the thermoplastic material introduced for easy dismantlement can further enhance the weather-durability of the PV module, based on the high-water resistance and the feature of no EVA acid dissociation, thereby attaining a win-win situation.