Member/Partner News

Renewable Energy Pioneers submissions Closing 16th October

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The organizers of SWC50 are pleased to launch this call for individuals to either appoint themselves or to appoint others as Renewable Energy Pioneers.

Without the efforts of individual researchers, system designers, system installers, business leaders, policy makers and those within the donor community, the renewable energy industry would not have grown from Watts to Gigawatts in the last 50 years. Thus, ISES is issuing a call for developing a compilation of Renewable Energy Pioneers to be listed in the celebratory booklet. This will be ISES’ way of acknowledging the many people who have made this industry what it is today.

ISES is calling for submissions of the names of individuals covering the following two categories:

  1. Research Pioneers: Individuals who started their research in 1995 or earlier.
  2. Industry Pioneers: Individuals who actively started working in or with the industry in 1995 or earlier.

Submit the Renewable Energy Pioneers here: