Member/Partner News

Renewables in Cities 2021 Global Status Report - Now available!

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On 18 March, REN21 published the new Renewables in Cities Global Status Report, an annual stock-take of the global shift to renewables at the city-level. This report aims to inform decision makers and to create an active exchange of views and information around urban renewable energy. With cities being energy producers, consumers and network managers, urban governments have a unique role to play in the energy transition.

This year, the report comes with a set of supplemental materials: Summary for Policy Makers, 18 city case studies, regional factsheets, press release, report figures and the complete renewables in cities database. Visit for all the materials. 

Also, coming in April 2021, there will be an interactive version of the report, available for translation into many languages around the world! Check back with REN21 in a couple of weeks for this new resource.