Member/Partner News

Solar Cookers International Advocates at the United Nations Climate Conference in Spain


Solar Cookers International (SCI) will be advocating for increased adoption of solar cookers at the United Nations Climate Conference, known as COP25, in Madrid, Spain on December 2-13. We will be promoting the urgent need for solar cooking with influential government and NGO leaders from around the world.

Solar Cookers International will have an exhibit booth during the first week of the conference (Monday December 2 through Saturday Dec 7th). SCI will also hold press conferences on Monday Dec 2, Wednesday Dec 4, Friday Dec 6, Monday Dec 9, and Wednesday Dec 11, each from 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Everyone in attendance at COP is invited to visit SCI’s exhibit booth and watch our press conferences. Press conferences will also be broadcast to the public by the United Nations, and everyone around the world is encouraged to watch.

The urgency of climate issues highlights solar cooking as a viable solution to both mitigate and adapt to climate change. Solar cooking prevents greenhouse gas emissions, protects biodiversity, reduces the need to cut forests, and makes cleaner air and water possible.

Solar cooking can positively impact the Gross Domestic Product of many countries by reducing air pollution, lessening climate change, and avoiding associated health and environmental costs. Solar Cookers International encourages countries to include solar cooking in their national plans to address climate change (Nationally Determined Contributions or NDCs). Visit or contact [email protected] if you would like to meet us at COP or if you would like more information.