Member/Partner News

Spanish Government passes a law to define the new regulatory framework for the deployment of renewable energy

Plantas FV en suelo

On June 23rd, the Spanish Government has passed a Royal Decree that defines the regulatory framework in which the National Energy and Climate Plan will be implemented introducing specific measures that will help foster the development and growth of the PV sector.

This law defines a new renewable energy auction system that will award renewable capacity based on generation costs; introduces a reform in the access and connection regulation to give priority to actual projects and to eliminate speculation; streamlines the administrative process for utility-scale PV projects; defines new business models, such as energy communities, and announces new renewable energy auctions for the Canary Islands.

These measures will help contribute to boost the development of the Spanish PV sector, an industry that can play a key role in the country’s economic recovery by creating local and qualified jobs and by generating cheap and clean energy that can provide the national industries with a key competitive advantage.