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Ten reasons Solar Cooking is essential during a global health crisis (and beyond)

  1. Solar cooking reduces exposure to smoke from firewood and charcoal used for cooking and hence reduces respiratory strain and the risk of respiratory illness. Approximately one million people die from pneumonia from cooking fires every year. People with respiratory illness are considered high risk for contracting COVID-19.

  1. Solar cooking reduces the risk of exposure to and spread of disease because it reduces the need to leave homes to gather or barter for cooking fuel. For example, solar cookers are already in the hands of many of the refugee families in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya, thanks to SCI supporters, reducing the need to get additional cooking fuel.
  1. Solar cooking increases energy independence. With a solar cooker, people are less dependent on supply chains, utility companies, or having an income to cook. Free solar energy is delivered right to everyone’s home every sunny day.
  1. Solar Cookers International connects global leaders committed to health and safety solutions. Because of SCI’s commitment to advocacy, research, and strengthening capacity, SCI supporters empower a strong global network and provide many resources online, accessible anytime.
  1. Solar cooking reduces environmental impact, saving lives. Reports such as The New York Times article “New Research Links Air Pollution to Higher Coronavirus Death Rates” ( suggest a correlation between levels of air pollution and deaths from complications due to COVID-19. Using clean, sustainable solar cooking solutions for cooking food and pasteurizing water reduces air pollution from cooking with firewood or charcoal.
  1. Solar cooking is accessible at home. With more people at home during the day, taking precautions such as sheltering-in-place, solar cooking is a very easy way to prepare meals while still performing essential work tasks.
  1. Solar cooking technology is used for solar drying and increases food security by preserving food. Click here to learn more.
  1. Solar cookers are easy to construct with items you may already have in your home. Click here to see how to construct a solar cooker.
  1. Solar cooking can pasteurize water and kill bacteria. Solar cookers can be used during emergencies when other resources like freshwater and power sources might not be available. This also reduces co-morbidity by reducing the number of diseases (waterborne and airborne) that a person’s immune system might need to fight at once.
  1. Your support for solar cooking can help the current crisis and build future resiliency.