Global Solar Council statement in relation to the draft text of the cover decisions of COP27 on Nov. 18 - 9am EET

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Implementing a clean energy mix with solar, wind, energy storage, green hydrogen, and other renewables and clean technologies represents an immediate solution for the energy and climate crises. Solar power is the leading asset on the global pathway to full decarbonization and, for the massive deployment that is required onwards, it must be developed at all scales, together with storage. It is a force for both mitigation and adaptation, as it helps reduce the effects of climate change on communities and nature.

Drawing on solar’s unique versatility, this is possible today. Through enhanced institutional support for accelerated permitting and eased access to finance, long-term and transparent planning in cooperation with the renewables industries, the energy transition can be realized faster and be less costly. With increased engagement of local communities, people can be empowered to push for change.

All activities, initiatives and partnerships of GSC at COP 27 have been focused on showcasing clear immediate opportunities from solar and other renewables and clean technologies. However, concerns arise in relation to the ongoing negotiations in Sharm el-Sheikh outlined in the latest draft text of the cover decisions of COP 27 (Nov 18, 9 am).


  • No mention of the necessity to abandon all fossil fuels, apart from coal. Oil and natural gas-based power generation clearly need urgent phasing out as well;
  • No mention of energy storage, including green hydrogen, which must go hand in hand with all renewables deployment to allow for greater integration in the power grids alongside network improvements;
  • An exacerbated use of "just transition" can allow fossil fuel lobbies to postpone the transformation of economies and jobs, if it is not accompanied by a clear indication of renewables’ role as the only true gateway to a safe, inclusive, and sustainable transition to a net-zero world. 

GSC recommends these points be reflected in the final text as an opportunity rather than a challenge. 

Gianni Chianetta, CEO of GSC, added: “Before mid-century, we already have a critical milestone in 2030, which is approaching fast. If at COP 27 we lose momentum and we are not coherent with the ambitions set out, taking no further commitment, we risk everything.”