Member/Partner News

Global Solar Community unites in face of Climate, Economic, and Security challenges

Global Associations Workshop Intersolar 2022

Our planet is currently facing several crises at once: The climate crisis, the economic downturn caused by the global pandemic, and the consequences of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine with severe implications for geopolitics, energy, and food security. This triad has prompted many around the globe to see energy choices in a stark new light.

We, the solar associations of the world want to acknowledge the role that solar energy – along with our sister renewable technologies – must play in addressing this triad of challenges by delivering the global energy transition. The goals, environmental, geopolitical and economic, are urgent. Solar energy offers solutions for countries around the world to reduce carbon emissions, strengthen energy security, while creating jobs and economic value.

Clean, reliable, abundant, and affordable solar energy is critical for a secure and safe future. The energy transition, which is prerequisite to achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement, must be accelerated by proactive governments and strong international cooperation.

Robust and fast policies are needed along with successful international cooperation to install at least an additional 1,800 Gigawatts of solar until 2026. With the right ambition, policymakers along with the industry can deliver this massive economic opportunity for countries, businesses, and citizens around the world. We stand ready to put our shoulders to the wheel to massively increase the worldwide solar deployment.