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Nine out of ten Brazilians want to generate their own energy and 84% consider the electricity bill too expensive

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To ABSOLAR, the population’s interest for clean sources strengthens the sustainable economic recovery agenda in Brazil

The entity points out that solar energy will be part of the solution to create jobs and income to Brazilian people at the end of the pandemic

São Paulo, August 2020 – Currently, nine out of ten Brazilians would like to produce their own renewable electricity, by means of solar photovoltaic systems and other technologies, while 84% of the consumers consider that the fee charged on the electricity bill is either expensive or too expensive in the country. This is what the new edition of the 2020 Ibope Inteligência survey points out, commissioned by the Brazilian Association of Power Trading Companies (Abraceel). This reflects the concern of the society with Brazil’s competitive and sustainable economic development in the post-pandemic world.

The assessment comes from the CEO of the Brazilian Solar Photovoltaic Energy Association (ABSOLAR), Rodrigo Sauaia. According to the leader, the reason for this strong interest of consumers is connected to three fundamental factors: the price reduction of photovoltaic equipment, the constant increase in the electricity fees for consumers, and an increasing awareness of Brazilians  of economic and sustainability themes.

“Another important factor, and one which increasingly draws the attention of governments and of the National Congress, is the gigantic potential solar energy has for the creation of jobs and income. This will be crucial for Brazilians at the end of the pandemic, which left many people unemployed in the country. Thanks to its very dynamic market, with strong attraction of investments, solar energy is a lever for the sustainable economic development in Brazil”, Sauaia clarifies.

“Since 2012, the Brazilian solar photovoltaic sector has already created over 182 thousand accumulated jobs and brought over R$ 31.8 billion in private investments, spread throughout all regions of the country. By July 2020, the sector has created over 47 thousand jobs this year, despite the health and economic crises due to the COVID-19 pandemic”, adds Ronaldo Koloszuk, ABSOLAR’s president of the Board of Administrators. “Solar energy is competitive and few investments are so profitable in Brazil as a photovoltaic system, since the electricity fee in Brazil is one of the most expensive in the world, constantly leading  consumers to pursue this technology”, Koloszuk completes.